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Volume 2(1); February 2020
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Occurrence data of southern butterflies in South Korea
Hyun Woo Kim, Youngho Cho, Pradeep Adhikari, Ja-Young Jeon, Yong-gu Han, Changwan Seo
GEO DATA. 2020;2(1):1-6.   Published online February 18, 2020
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In Northern hemisphere, climate change has shifted the habitats of many species including butterflies into the northern regions. Many researchers in Europe and North America have reported this type of northward shift of butterflies. Thus, we collected the species occurrence data of southern butterflies and presented in this study for understanding the impact of climate change on the southern butterflies in the future.
New information: This study presents the 456 occurrence data of nine southern butterflies under five families in Korea. These data were selected from the 3rd National Ecosystem Survey (NES) conducted by National Institute of Environment Research (NIER) in Korea. Those will be a part of input data for MOTIVE-Ecosystem model, an integrative model to understand the influence of climate change and land cover change on the habitat suitability of sensitive, native and invasive species. These data will be important to the researchers and conservation agencies for understanding the current conditions of southern butterflies and developing conservation policy.


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  • Northward Range Expansion of Southern Butterflies According to Climate Change in South Korea
    Pradeep Adhikari, Ja-Young Jeon, Hyun Woo Kim, Hong-Shik Oh, Prabhat Adhikari, Changwan Seo
    Journal of Climate Change Research.2020; 11(6-1): 643.     CrossRef
Spatial data of Soil erosion in Korea
Jisu Kim, Minseok Kim, Hyunju Oh, Jinkwan Kim
GEO DATA. 2020;2(1):7-12.   Published online February 18, 2020
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Soil is reported as a finite resource, and research studies are being conducted worldwide to reduce the continuously accelerated soil erosion caused by climate change. In this article, preliminary assessment of annual average soil erosion caused by rainfall in Korea was performed using a modeling technique, the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) recommended by the Ministry of Environment's Notice No. 2015-138. USLE is used globally for erosion prediction and control. For model input data, spatial data (90m DEM, soil map, land classification map, meteorological data, etc.) provided by the national agency were reconstructed using ArcGIS 10.5.1. As a result of analyzing the spatial characteristics of the annual average soil erosion, 69.62% is less than 50 tons/ha, 17.48% is 50–100 tons/ha, 9.69% is 100-200 tons/ha, and 3.21% was calculated to exceed 200 tons/ha. There is few data that can quantitatively compare with this result, so it was not possible to perform a calibration. It will be necessary to accurately evaluate this through various monitoring methods based on geological characteristics in the future, and there is also a need to upgrade spatial data quality.


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  • Analysis of sustainability changes in the Korean rice cropping system using an emergy approach
    Yongeun Kim, Minyoung Lee, Jinsol Hong, Yun-Sik Lee, June Wee, Jaejun Song, Kijong Cho
    Environmental Biology Research.2023; 41(4): 482.     CrossRef
Physical data of the Geological Museum, KIGAM: rock sample collection of the Gyeonggi Massif and the Imjingang Belt
Seung-bae Lee, Deung-Lyong Cho, Gi O An, Ji-Hyeon Im
GEO DATA. 2020;2(1):13-18.   Published online February 18, 2020
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The geological museum of Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM) has collected various geological samples such as minerals, rocks, and fossils, and uses them for exhibitions, education, and research. This technical report introduces 150 rock specimens of the Gyeonggi Massif and Imjingang Belt collection, collected from 2016 to 2018, among the rock samples archived by the Geological Museum. Since the Gyeonggi Massif and Imjingang Belt are considered important areas for tectonic research on the Korean Peninsula, these rock specimens were collected in order to archive standard rock samples with updated geologic and chronostratigraphic information. Each rock specimen is listed with geologic information such as sampling and storage location, stratigraphic or rock unit name, and geological age. Rock specimens, as physical data, are valuable when preserved and shared for development of new or follow-up studies and for reinspection or verification of previous research results. It is expected that these rock specimens will be actively used in geoscientific research as well as education.
The spatial data of renewable solar energy resources over Korean Peninsula using COMS MI and physical model
JongMin Yeom, Hongtak Lee
GEO DATA. 2020;2(1):19-23.   Published online February 18, 2020
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The Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) estimated solar renewable energy maps for the Korean Peninsula using the Cheonian geostationary orbiting satellite (COMS: Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite). In the case of photovoltaic renewable energy, it is not only used as input data for installation of solar thermal plants and solar panel power plants to acquire renewable energy, but also for various fields such as agriculture, weather, climate change, energy and ecology. The spatial resolution of the solar renewable energy map is 4 km, and there are two temporal resolutions each month and yearly. The spatial range of the observation area was performed for the latitude 33 ° N ~ 42 ° N and the longitude 122 ° E ~ 131 ° E as shown in Fig. 1. In this solar renewable energy map, it was calculated by applying geostationary orbiting satellites based on the physical model. The physical model uses spectral information from COMS satellite to reflect the effects of aerosols, water vapor, and ozone on the scattering and absorption of atmospheric gases when solar radiation passing the atmosphere. Therefore, the amount of incident solar radiation attenuation for each gas was simulated by parameterization of physical model. In addition, in order to consider the biggest factor in cloud attenuation effect, our algorithm applies cloud attenuation factor for cloud top reflectance and cloud penetration according pass length. Finally, the photovoltaic renewable energy map was analyzed by comparing with the ground pyranometer data of the weather stations located in South Korea.
Characteristic of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data in Wangpi-cheon Basin
Youngjun Park, Yong-Rak Jeon, Soon Jik Kwon
GEO DATA. 2020;2(1):24-29.   Published online February 18, 2020
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The aim of this study conducted to collect and produce survey data on the distribution status of benthic macroinvertebrates in the Wangpi-cheon Basin (2017), which has been designated and managed as an Ecological Landscape Conservation Area (2005). A total 153 species of benthic macroinvertebrates in 74 families, 18 orders, 8 classes and 5 phyla were collected including 8 Endemic Species of Korea and 16 Out-of-the-country Transportation Permit Required Species. The dominant species was Simulium sp. (16.1 %), and the subdominant species was Chironomus sp. (7.4 %).
Monitoring of Discharged Water from Groundwater and Land-based Aquaculture Effluent using CTD Data in Shinyang Bangdu Bay, Jeju Island, Korea
Seung-Hwan Min, Taehee Lee, Soonyeol Kwon, Gwang Seob Park, Young Baek Son
GEO DATA. 2020;2(1):30-38.   Published online February 18, 2020
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The Sinyang Bangdu Bay in Jeju Island, a semi-inclosed sea, is introduced by the discharged water of the groundwater and land-based aquaculture effluent (LAE) from the surrounding land. To investigate the distribution of the discharged water into the Sinyang Bangdu Bay, 370 Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) casting data (temperature and salinity) were collected on the nine sampling points from April to September 2019. To understand the spatial and temporal variation of the influent water with changing tide, CTD observation was continuously performed 1-5 times at a 1-hour interval in the daytime. CTD hydrographic data were used the downcast data controlled by constant speed. CTD casting data, water temperature and salinity, were averaged at 0.1 m intervals using the filter mean. The groundwater and LAE in the study area show relatively lower salinity than surrounding waters, and this feature was shown on the west coast in the study area. The both influent waters into the study area had a different spatial influence with changing tidal current. During the flood tide, the west coast of the study area was influenced by the LAE because the discharged water moved to northward along the west coastline of the bay. During the ebb tide, the west coast of the study area was influenced by the groundwater because the discharged water moved southward along the west coastline of the bay. The vertical variation of the discharged water sharply changed within 1 m, and the feature was not observed at more than 1 m wa ter depth.
Distribution of Brown frog in South Korea–On 3rd National Ecosystem Survey
Hoan-Jin Jang, Min-Ho Chang
GEO DATA. 2020;2(1):39-42.   Published online February 18, 2020
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Brown frog data from the 3rd National Ecosystem Survey (2006 ~ 2013) were used for Amphibians, which are known as the Edible Frog. Data on distribution type among GIS factors in the Brown frog Recorded of South Korea were generated. As a result, distribution types were generated for 6,207 Brown frogs.