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Volume 6(2); June 2024
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Original Papers
The Study of Distribution for the Plants of Alien Species on Specific Islands Monitored by Ministry of Environment, South Korea
Youngjun Park, Donghui Choi, Daeun Kim, Hyungsoo Seo, Hyoun-gi Cha, Hyun-chul Shin
GEO DATA. 2024;6(2):45-55.   Published online June 10, 2024
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This study was conducted to provide information on alien species to the specific islands monitored by Ministry of Environment in South Korea, based on the National Survey of Natural Environment of Islands from 2006 to 2020. In the study area, a total 54 taxa, consisting of 17 family, 45 genera, 53 species, one variety, were found. Among them, two species classified as Ecosystem-disturbing species, Humulus japonicus (H. japonicus) Siebold & Zucc. and Ambrosia artemisiifolia (A. artemisiifolia) Linnaeus were found. Alien plants were identified on 127 islands (49.4%), H. japonicus were found on 27 and A. artemisiifolia on six specific islands. The spatial status of alien flora on the specific islands monitored by Ministry of Environment in our data can be basic ecological information for the conservation and management of plant species diversity on the islands.
Distribution Status of Invasive Alien Species in the Estuarine Wetlands in East and South Coast, Korea
Yeounsu Chu, Pyoungbeom Kim, Minhyeok Won
GEO DATA. 2024;6(2):56-62.   Published online June 14, 2024
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Based on the results of survey on estuarine ecosystem conducted from 2021 to 2023, this study analyzed the distribution pattern of invasive alien species. A total of six invasive alien species (Micropterus salmoides [M. salmoides], Lepomis macrochirus [L. macrochirus], Lithobates catesbeianus [L. catesbeianus], Trachemys scripta [T. scripta], Pseudemys concinna [P. concinna], and Pseudemys nelsoni [P. nelsoni]) were identified across 118 estuarine wetlands. The survey revealed 960 individuals of M. salmoides, 2,596 individuals of L. macrochirus, 1,088 individuals of L. catesbeianus, and 44 individuals of T. scripta, while 1 individual of P. concinna and P. nelsoni were found. These invasive species were found to be densely distributed in estuarine wetlands in the Haenam and Goheung regions of the southern coast. Furthermore, the distribution density varied depending on the characteristics and locations of the estuarine wetlands. It was observed that the distribution density was higher in closed type than in open type, in riverine than in lacustrine, and in the south coast than in the east coast. Once the basic survey of estuarine wetlands located on the west coast is completed, a clearer understanding of the nationwide distribution characteristics of invasive alien species in estuarine wetlands can be achieved. This information will be crucial for formulating appropriate management strategies tailored to the characteristics of wetlands or coastal areas in the future.
Evaluation of the Lateral Connectivity of the Suncheon’s Dong Stream Based on Riverside Data
Jeong Ho Hwang, Yeonhui Jang, Jong-Hak Yun
GEO DATA. 2024;6(2):63-76.   Published online June 19, 2024
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The lateral connectivity of Suncheon’s Dong stream was evaluated based on landside, waterside, and levee data of the river. A total of six items was evaluated, crosssectional structure, vegetation cover ratio, connecting waterway gate, levee slopes, urbanized area ratio and wetland area ratio. Among the items, the connectivity was high in the following order: cross-sectional structure, urbanization area ratio, and levee slope. In a total of 16 survey areas of Suncheon’s Dong stream, one, 12, and three areas were evaluated as continuity, damaged, and discontinuity respectively. The downstream section was evaluated as one continuity and three damaged, the lower-middle stream section was evaluated as one damaged and three discontinuity, and the upper-middle stream and upstream sections were evaluated as eight damaged. The cross-sectional structure, vegetation cover ratio, levee slope, and urbanized area ratio had low lateral connectivity in the lower-middle stream survey section, while the wetland area ratio had high lateral connectivity in the downstream survey section. The lateral connectivity evaluation results of the river aquatic ecosystem in Suncheon’s Dong stream can be used as basic data that is helpful in future ecological river management policies.
Refined GEDI Level-2A Database Construction: Focused on Gyeonggi Province, Republic of Korea
Kyeong-Hun Cho, Seung-Kuk Lee
GEO DATA. 2024;6(2):77-86.   Published online June 28, 2024
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The Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI), a full-waveform light detection and ranging system, translated the energy into a continuous waveform and recorded the signals chronologically for enabling geometric analysis of the vertical structure of vegetation. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has used the land, vegetation, and ice sensor (LVIS) airborne laser altimeter system to measure terrain, tree heights, and vegetation carbon stocks in designated areas. The effectiveness of the collected LVIS data has been proven in mapping forest structures and biomass in tropical and temperate systems. Based on the successful achievements of LVIS, the GEDI aimed to establish a global range of forest data needed to analyze and predict the carbon cycle and climate change. The GEDI was launched aboard the SpaceX-16 in 2018 and successfully attached to the International Space Station (ISS) for a 2-year mission, but now extended until March 2023. Since being mounted on the ISS, GEDI measured over 10 billion cloud-free surface observations within the range of 51.6°N to 51.6°S. In this paper, GEDI mission is introduced, and the process of downloading, refining the GEDI level-2A product focused on Gyeonggi Province is outlined.
Spatial Distribution Status of Landform in 1st Grade Area of Ecology and Nature Map
Hye-Yeon Yoon, So-Young Hwang, Hyun-Su Park
GEO DATA. 2024;6(2):87-99.   Published online June 27, 2024
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In this study, spatial distribution analysis was conducted on the landforms that appear within the 1st grade area using the ecology and nature map of 2023. As a result, a total of 97 landforms including tidal flat and incised meander were identified as unit landforms, and a total of 1,490 sites were distributed. The spatial distribution by administrative region was highest in Gangwon-do with 273 sites (12.8%), and by unit landform, cliff (173 sites), stream cliff (129 sites), and sea cliff (100 sites) were the most distributed. These landforms are cliffs found in mountainous, riverine, and coastal areas, respectively, and are characterized by their high geomorphological conservation value due to their large scale and geometric shape compared to other terrains. In terms of spatial distribution by landform type, stream landforms (501 sites, 33.6%) accounted for the largest proportion, and there were 24 units landforms. The results obtained can be utilized for future designation of expanded ecosystem protection areas or ecosystem monitoring surveys, along with continued landform conservation.