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Rules for submitting and publishing manuscripts

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Enacted    December 1, 2019
Amended      January 1, 2021
Amended         April 14, 2023
Amended         August 22, 2024

Article 1. Purpose

The purpose of these rules is to regulate matters related to the submission and publication of manuscripts in GEO DATA of GeoAI Data Society (hereinafter referred to as the “Society”).

Article 2. Publication Frequency

GEO DATA is published four times a year (March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31).

Article 3. Aims and Scope

GEO DATA represents an open geoscience research data platform and publishes scientific data. Data articles describe datasets and provide details on definitions, sample collection dates and locations, and file formats, among other relevant information. However, data articles do not provide details on scientific processing or analysis of datasets. The main purpose of data articles is to provide descriptions of scientific datasets to facilitate further research based on those datasets. To be published in GEO DATA, the presented data must have been acquired and collected in a scientific way and be of value to the research community. GEO DATA covers the following fields: ㆍAgriculture, ㆍAstronomy and Aerospace Science,ㆍEcological Science, ㆍEnvironmental Science,ㆍForestry,ㆍGeological Science, ㆍHydrology and Water Resources,ㆍMarine Sciences,ㆍMeteorological Science,ㆍNature Disaster Analysis,ㆍPolar Science, ㆍOther fields related to geoscience and earth system science.

Article 4. Responsibilities and Compliance with Code of Ethics

  • 1. The Authors are responsible for the submitted manuscript.
  • 2. All authors must comply with the ‘Code of Ethics for GEO DATA’ with regard to their submitted manuscript.
    If any of the authors violates the ‘Code of Ethics’, the Editor-in-Chief may reject or cancel the publication of the manuscript and impose disciplinary measures as specified.

Article 5. Data Policy

  • 1. Data Articles, GEO DATA’s primary article type, describe datasets. The dataset(s) must be made available to editors and reviewers at the time of submission. The availability of the dataset should be clearly stated in the manuscript in accordance with Article 10 Data Availability Statement (DAS).
  • 2. Data policy of GEO DATA is compatible with the data policies set out by the requirements of the Data Policy Standardisation and Implementation Interest Group of the Research Data Alliance.

Article 6. Types and Length of Manuscript

  • 1. All manuscripts should be between 1,200 and 5,000 words in total, including references, keywords, and abstract. Longer manuscripts may be permitted at the discretion of the Editorial Boards.
  • 2. The types of manuscripts that can be submitted to GEO DATA are as follows:
    • ① Data Article: Data Article describes a dataset available in an approved data center, providing details of its collection, processing, file formats, etc., but does not go into detail into scientific analysis of the dataset or draw conclusions from the data. It should allow the reader to understand when, why, and how the data were collected, and what the data are.
    • ② Review: Review provides authors with the opportunity to offer overviews on topics and datasets relevant to the geoscience and geoscience data community. It offers a general overview of the data-related practices in a specific research field, examining what has been done or is currently being done. Typically, Review will cover the research field’s data collection, data description, data publication standards and policies, the question of what are considered good data in the field, and its use of (specialized) repositories or its culture of data sharing. Review should be tutorial in nature and authors should write in a style that is accessible to a broader readership.
    • ③ Communication: Communication is that discuss previous articles published in GEO DATA are welcome and will be subjected to the same peer-review process. The authors of the original article will also be invited to reply to the submitted comments. It may also be submitted to describe dataset and service updates that have already been described elsewhere.

Article 7. Submission

  • 1. The manuscript is accepted at any time, and the date of submission is the date on which it is received by the Editorial Office.
  • 2. The registered or submitted manuscript must be written in compliance of the Template specified by GEO DATA.
  • 3. The manuscript that is found not to comply with ‘Rules for Submitting and Publishing Manuscripts in GEO DATA’ and ‘Instructions to Authors in GEO DATA’ may not be accepted.
  • 4. The submitted manuscript will not be returned.

Article 8. Submission Method

  • 1. When submitting the manuscript, Rules for Submitting and Publishing Manuscripts in GEO DATA’ and ‘Instructions to Authors in GEO DATA’ must be followed.
  • 2. Submissions are accepted through GEO DATA’s online submission system (
  • 3. Submissions must be accompanied by the relevant data or include the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of the data referenced in the article.
  • 4. Relevant data must be deposited in the data repository at the time of submission.
  • 5. Metadata must be completed at the time of submission.
  • 6. When submitting the manuscript, the basic article information must be completed according to the system instructions.
  • 7. When submitting the manuscript, include the ‘Copyright Transfer Agreement’ and ‘Disclosure of Conflict of Interest’ forms.
  • 8. In principle, submitted manuscripts must not have been published or submitted to other publications, and exceptional cases (invited manuscript, etc.) are subject to the decision of the Editorial Committee.

Article 9. Data Deposit Method

  • 1. Data related to an article shall be deposited in the appropriate data repository.
  • 2. The data repository must support the DOI issuance system to issue DOI addresses to the deposited data.
  • 3. Examples of data repositories are as follows.
    • ① Figshare
    • ② Zenodo
    • ③ Dryad
    • ④ EcoBank
    • ⑤ GeoBigdata OpenPlatform
    • ⑥ DataON

Article 10. Data Availability Statement (DAS)

  • 1. DAS is a guide for archiving research data and making data available to other researchers, and is called a data availability statement (or data access statement).
  • 2. The DAS is written by referring to the ‘DAS Template’.
  • 3. The contents of the DAS are related to the type of data sharing and are categorized as follows.
    • ① Immediate data sharing: Repository names, data derived from public resources (URLs, etc.), and data available in articles/supplementary materials.
    • ② Available upon request from authors, etc.: Unidentified resource or repository, data generated by a centralized, large facility, ethical/legal/commercial restrictions, use at author’s request
    • ③ Data not available for sharing: data subject to third-party restrictions (data available upon reasonable request and author permission), data not available for sharing (dataset has not been created and analyzed)

    Article 11. Review and Decision to Publish Manuscript

    • 1. The EiC shall decide whether to publish the manuscript or not.
    • 2. The review of the manuscript is conducted by two reviewers recommended by the Editor, and the review and the decision over its publication shall comply with ‘Rules for Reviewing Manuscript in GEO DATA’.

    Article 12. Copyright

    • 1. The authors shall be responsible for the content of the manuscript.
    • 2. The author(s) must transfer the copyright to the Society, and for this purpose, the corresponding author(s) must attach ‘Copyright Transfer Agreement’ with the submission.
    • 3. The Society owns the copyright in all published articles and these may not be reproduced without the permission of the Society.
    • 4. The author(s) may use part of their article published in GEO DATA in their other research, provided that the published article is cited as the source.

    Article 13. Disclosure of Materials

    The Society may disclose the manuscript or other submissions in print or as online publications.

    Article 14. Manual of Style

    • 1. A manuscript submitted to GEO DATA must comply with ‘Instructions to Authors in GEO DATA’ provided separately.
    • 2. The manuscript editor may edit the manuscript so that terms, characters, and orthography may comply with ‘Instructions to Authors in GEO DATA’.

    Article 15. Submission of Final Manuscript and Preparation for Publication

    • 1. Submit the final edited manuscript after publication is confirmed.
    • 2. The final manuscript must include the personal information of the author(s).
    • 3. The final manuscript submission must be accompanied by the ‘Copyright Transfer Agreement’ and ‘Disclosure of Conflict of Interest’ provided in the submission application form.

    Article 16. Publication Fees

    The author must pay the specified fee for the article published in the Journal.

    Supplementary Provisions

    Article 1. Enforcement Date

    (Enacted December 1, 2019) This regulation shall come into effect on the date of promulgation.
    (Amended January 1, 2021) This regulation shall come into effect as amended on January 1, 2021.
    (Amended April 14, 2023) This regulation shall come into effect as amended on April 14, 2023.
    (Amended August 22, 2024) This regulation shall come into effect as amended on August 22, 2024.
